Turret/Bed CNC Milling Machine Guard Sliding Type

ALL Guards Supplied Red or Yellow Unless Specified



Product Details
Method of attachment - Is by adjustable parallel rails which are T bolted to table slots allowing the guard to be positioned forward around vice or component.
Single interlock and positive manual latch.
Construction - Steel tubular frame and 5mm polycarbonate windows.
Optional Extras
An Infill Swarf Tray is available to reduce the hazard of fallen swarf.
Rear Swarf Guard - Helps to contain the flying swarf within the table area and also act as a deterrent against third party intervention from the rear.
Operation - Totally encloses front and side of machine table. Slide and fold back front windows giving access to the work area. Hinged side windows to expose both end of machine table to allow machining of components that extend beyond table length. The right hand side of guard has additional sliding windows to give access to turret or machine console.